Neil Williams - Author

Neil Williams is the Author of multiple business guides & eBooks to help get you started in the ice cream, italian ice, and soft serve business!
eBooks Avalible for Download:

- Ice Cream Store Business Book
- Frozen Yogurt Store Business Guide
- Soft Serve Machine Guide
- Cart Vending guides
To view our eBooks (completely free!), visit our eBook download page today!
2. More About TurnKeyParlor & Neil Williams
Hello. Neil Williams here. I created back in 2008 when I realized that choosing the right ice cream store equipment could be confusing to people who were new to the business.
A little bit about me: During 20+ years in the ice cream business, I co-founded a distribution company with my brothers, owned and operated retail ice cream shops and worked as a national account executive for Dreyer's/Edy's Ice Cream. I've scooped ice cream, driven ice cream truck routes and managed million dollar retail accounts.
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