We offer top-quality, trusted brands known for durability and performance. Make a smart investment with us for a faster payback—not an expensive mistake

About Turnkey Parlor

Hi, I’m Neil Williams, founder of TurnKey Parlor. I started this business to simplify the process of choosing the right ice cream store equipment, especially for newcomers.

Over 30 years in the ice cream industry, I’ve co-founded a 30-truck distribution company, owned ice cream shops, driven delivery trucks, and managed multimillion-dollar national accounts at Nestlé.

For more on my journey, check out my story: My Humble Beginnings in Paradise.

Why Turnkey Parlor?

Turnkey Parlor offers a wide variety of new and used equipment at discounted prices. Why pay more? We provide expert assistance and can help you go from idea to grand opening.

We ship from warehouses across the country, but our flagship facility is in Southern California. Unlike restaurant supply houses that sell thousands of items, we limit our selection to ice cream and frozen yogurt machines, freezers, push carts and other related items. You tell us what you're planning and we'll give you the best equipment options for that specific concept. We won't let you make the critical mistake of buying the wrong machines. Call or text us at 877-817-5716. We're here to help.

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Our stores


Phone: 877-817-5716

Address: 930 Flynn Rd, Unit H Camarillo CA 93012

Open: Mon-Fri 10AM to 7PM ET - Sat 12PM-3PM ET.