Promote Like a Pro: 10 Tips on Advertising Your Frozen Yogurt Store –


Promote Like a Pro: 10 Tips on Advertising Your Small Frozen Yogurt Business

This Article may be Outdated. It was written in 2013, and archived here.


It is often difficult for new business owners to find good ways to advertise there location. There are so many ways to get the word out about your business, but what are the best ways? This list compiled is 10 ways that we think are great ways to advertise your store!

1. Social Media

As everyone knows, social media is taking over the way people communicate and share messages daily. Because it is such a large channel and virtually 100% of your customers will have a Facebook account (teenagers to senior citizens) it’s important to be accessible via this portal. Setting up a Facebook page is quick and easy. Make sure to make your profile picture and cover photo something that is relevant to your business. Stay active on your account, posting at least every couple of days. Posting pictures will be the most effective way to attract people into your shop. I can think of no greater incentive to go purchase some froyo than a mouthwatering picture of froyo on my news feed.

Twitter is a powerful social media tool as well. Use it in conjunction with your Facebook page to tweet about your specials, and post pictures of frozen yogurt. One of the newest forms of social media, Instagram, is rapidly gaining popularity. It can be linked to Facebook and Twitter so any pictures you post on Instagram will be put on your Twitter Feed and Facebook Timeline. Instagram allows you to add effects to your pictures which will make your froyo creations look even more appetizing.

2. Contribute to a worthy cause

Customers love it when they see a company giving back to the community or a local charity. An easy way to accomplish giving back is by holding a partial proceeds night. Advertise that for a certain amount of days, a portion of all the proceeds will be donated to a certain cause. This will pull at the heart strings of some of your customers and persuade them to purchase froyo. You can rationalize doing most anything with, “well it’s for a good cause!” Another way to do this is to have you and your employees volunteer by cleaning up a park or working at a food bank. When people see what you are doing and what you represent, they will love to come support you in return.

3. Local Newspaper Coupons

You will easily earn the business of your older customers if you place coupons in your local newspaper. While the younger crowd will never pick up a newspaper, there are those who religiously read the newspaper and clip the coupons every morning. These customers will be more likely to visit your shop during the daytime hours when business is slower.

4. Local Events (bring your froyo on the road!)

Invest in a countertop machine and it will be one of the best decisions you make for your business. Think of all the local events that happen within the year in your town. Imagine being able to supply yogurt at every one of those events. Bring the product to the customer rather than relying on the customer to come to your shop after an event. Events such as high school football games would be a reoccurring source of revenue every Friday night. Events such as a 4th of July parade, would only be once a year.

5. Local News

Many local news stations will give your business air time if you have an interesting or exciting reason to. Holidays such as National Frozen Yogurt Day are a great way to convince the news stations to give you some air time. View the news clip from this past year’s National Frozen Yogurt Day and Mochi’s involvement.

6. Flyers

Flyers are a great type of grassroots marketing. They are very low in cost and can increase awareness incredibly. Post flyers in the shopping centers, high schools, and universities surrounding your shop. Include discounts in the flyers that can be redeemed if mention of the flyer is made.

7. Partner with local small businesses

Partnering with local small businesses such as retail shops, restaurants, and movie theatres can create very rewarding relationships. Cross promoting is one of the most successful forms of marketing. Not only will it increase traffic in your store, but it will promote small businesses as a whole. An example of this would be offering 15% off of frozen yogurt if they bring their receipt from a nearby restaurant.

8. Customer reviews

You can talk about how great your business is all day long, but for it to really make an impact on your future customers, they have to hear it from somebody else. Having current customers create reviews for your store will be an excellent resource for you. Third-party perspectives are thought of as unbiased. Encourage your customers to rate their experience on Yelp! when they come in. Don’t be afraid of receiving negative reviews. If you hire a friendly staff and provide fresh and delicious product, there will be nothing negative to say!

9. Claim local listings

It’s important not to forget to create a business listing on Google Places. Through Google Places, your business will be added to Google Maps so that it can be easily searched and found by your customers.

10. Sponsorships

Sponsorships are a great way to become involved in the community and create awareness around your brand for a low cost. This could be sponsoring any sports team at surrounding schools. A banner placed in the gym of a high school would receive a ton of attention.

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